Saturday, February 26, 2011

All safe and sound

All the children of room 5 and Wairakei School were safely returned to loved ones on Tuesday.
Hope all your families and friends are taking care of each other.

On this link is a way of sharing experiences as a healthy way of working through this hard time.

For parents here is a Ministry of Education site that may help as well.

Please keep checking the school website and emails for updates of when the school will reopen.
Take care
Mr Lynch.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beep Test this Morning.

This morning we did a beep test.Our class enjoyed doing the beep test.Today we have two champions . They are Marian and Cody . Congratulations to those two who are the champions in our classroom! Marian got 7.7 and Cody got 7.1! The best part about this classroom is that all of us are CHAMPIONS!

The Beep Test this Morning.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bronte and Nathan get awarded.

Bronte, left, and Nathan, far right receiving their awards. 
Today at assembly Bronte and Nathan received their awards for working hard and making meaningful connections. Bronte for making meaningful connections and Nathan for working hard, two of our school principles.  Well done.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome to Room 5 2011

Welcome to the New Year in Room 5. At the moment we have 23 students.
Both the students and I, as blog authors, look forward to sharing our learning journey this year.
Drop in regularly to the blog and become a follower. Then you will be able to comment on the activities and learning we've been up to.

See you soon on the World Wide Web.
Mr Lynch.